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Show HN: Cryptofinancial banking built on traditional financial values (trovard.com)
7 points by Qasaur on Nov 25, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I like this long-form letter and the sober design, but isn't "one hundred percent reserve cryptocurrency depository institution, with regular balance sheet disclosures, comprehensive operational reports, instant interaccount transfers, personal client relationships, and support for most major cryptocurrencies and digital assets" what most exchanges already provide (at least allegedly)? Isn't this all that is needed for your institution to be target of a million hackers?

Check out "bitfinexed" on Twitter and Medium.

Global crypto markets are about to collapse, Mt Gox 2.0 style.

Get your popcorn ready.

An "About" section would be nice. Banking is based around opacity and trust. There is little of both here, except for quite some opacity.

Absolutely - the current site is just a placeholder until the main site is launched, and I figured that it is better to be concise and explain what Trovard is trying to do instead of detailing a lot of background information (since the purpose is just to register peoples interest).

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