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> your own little dialect of the language which is opaque to any 3rd party reading your code unless they take the time to unravel your macros.

This exact same thing happens with functions, too. At some point, a third party will have to read the code to understand it. You don't know what a function does until you read its implementation either.

Often, having a domain specific language (even if the domain is very specific to the application) will make the application easier to understand.

If you write code in say, Go, then sure, a third party will be able to look at a loop and be able to figure out the mechanics of what it does. But that person will still not understand how the application works. They will still need to learn both the domain and the structure of the application. And with the right macros, the application will likely be smaller and better organized.

Avoiding abstraction doesn't magically make it easier to understand the solution to a complex problem.

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