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I went from a fully decked out vimrc to Spacemacs when I got tired of managing a .vim directory. I had things like Unite integrated everywhere and a generic repl experience via tmux so I had an inferior-mode for anything I wanted (sql, python, clojure, javascript, bash, ruby), even on remote machines (since it was just copy something from a register to a tmux pane, which could be ssh logged into a remote machine with a repl). I had autocompletion and doc lookups for the languages I cared about. Life was pretty good, but it was beginning to get tedious.

I decided to try Spacemacs hoping I might find their vim imitation to be 90% of what I was using in vim, such that I could take advantage of the excellent CIDER mode for Clojure development rather than hacking an analogue in vimscript + a user.clj file. I found Spacemacs to cover everything I had been doing in vim, almost universally better out of the box than I had before.

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