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Isn't the recipe just an attempted recreation?

In that case it would be informed by modern practice.

That's all I thought about when reading this. The methods are all modern and the bread pictured would be a marvel to bread makers in Roman times.

I think the two biggest modern differences that would affect the quality of the bread would be (1) modern flours are probably way more consistent than ancient stone-ground flour (and don't contain rock dust/grit) and (2) the oven will keep a much more consistent temperature.

I'd have to imagine slap-and-fold is a pretty old technique, even if why it worked would be as mysterious as the leaven itself.

On the down side for us, decent bread gets made at very high temperatures. Those Roman ovens would beat any standard kitchen appliance by a mile. A wood fired traditional bread oven holds heat very well and gives a very even bake at high temperatures too.

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