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I just switched back on the latest release.

* Sadly I'm missing a single really important Add-on and there are some annoying and apparently long-standing bugs that have been ignored and I've had to work around, but otherwise it's a major improvement and it's good enough to work with.

* I'm glad that they've ditched the rounded tabs and cleaned up the interface.

* I'm still annoyed that Pocket is integrated into everything without an option to disable it.

* It is dramatically improved in speed and stability.

* The browser animations are very pleasant.

I'm giving it a chance to shine for the next week or so, if there are no blockers I'll probably end up sticking with it.

You can disable pocket.

Nav to about:config then search for extensions.pocket.enabled and do the obvious thing. :)

Nice, thanks for the heads up on that. A small thing makes a surprisingly big deal. I'm unsure as to why that isn't available in options other than the monetary reasons. Nothing against pocket personally, I just clutter it up enough on my own. :) Cheers.

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