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How to: a blog with custom layout, with content from my medium.com page?
1 point by josephernest on Nov 13, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
I've seen many people (but can't find the URL again) having a personal blog (firstnamelastname.com) whose content comes from their medium page.

What are the common ways to use this? (without having to clone manually / copy/paste between a wordpress and medium)


I know how to register a .com and how to host a blogging engine, but what are the common ways to autoreplicate medium.com/user's articles to the blog?

I often notice people doing it the other way around: they post to their blog and then it automatically sends it to medium.com - you then get something like "this was first posted on <domain>" at the bottom of the medium post. Medium API allows that, and for WP there certainly are plugins for that.

Oh nice. Any example of such blog? I try to find the ones I have seen, but I can't find them anymore.

Aaron Gustafson does (did?) that, example medium post: https://medium.com/@AaronGustafson/your-site-any-site-should...

apparently from a jekyll blog: https://github.com/aarongustafson/jekyll-crosspost-to-medium

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