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SPDY wasn't in widespread use (I think it had something like 30% usage), especially not in mobile environments. basically I also did not say that h2/spdy is bad, it actually solves some things, but makes others worse. it actually solves head of line blocking. multiplexing is cool, but comes with the overhead of a connection state.

I think h2 is perfect for RPC like architectures, interconnection between servers is a perfect fit for something like h2. but when it comes to real world traffic it depends on too many parameters. The sad part is, is that h2 will take forever to gain that data and to have widespread usage. the hard part will be 100% h2, a lot of stuff prolly only uses h2 at the edge.

Also most flaws of h2, will probably be fixed without a new protocol, i.e. in the next 10 years I hope that _all_ mobile environments have a widespread use of 3g networks (or to say it differently, I dream of) and hopefully all network people make world wide latency better and make all networks more reliable.

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