It's never too late. Maybe apart from some age bias in the field (but that most occurs closer to 40). I would suggest starting with some good foundation in stats / modeling, this is an amazing book on that: An Introduction to Statistical Learning by Robert Tibshirani and Trevor Hastie.
What? No. Why in the world do people even ask this kind of question. To a first approximation, the answer to "is it too late to get started with ..." question is always "no".
Depending on your maths background, you may need to refresh some math skills, or learn some new ones. The basic maths you need includes calculus (including multi-variable calc / partial derivatives), probability / statistics, and linear algebra. For a much deeper discussion of this topic, see this recent HN thread:
Luckily there are tons of free resources available online for learning various maths topics. Khan Academy isn't a bad place to start if you need that. There are also tons of good videos on Youtube from Gilbert Strang, Professor Leonard, 3blue1brown, etc.
Also, check out Doing Kaggle contests can be a good way to get your feet wet.
And the various Wikipedia pages on AI/ML topics can be pretty useful as well.