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I was looking for a way to turn my (soon-to-be-defended) PhD thesis into an epub, and investigated the various LaTeX2Html converters. I was pretty disappointed when I realized that all of them are terrible and have no hope of handling my manuscript. My current solution is to create a rendering of my thesis in a5 format. :/

This look quite a bit better, so here is the question: what do you not support at the moment?

Have you seen pandoc? That should be able to do that and the comments about results are usually positive.


One final thing, and wildly off topic, is that when you do your defense, remember that you probably know more about the specifics of the subject than anyone else in the room. Many folks stress over it, but you're almost certainly going to be the actual expert in the room. Good luck!

A lot of things. LaTeX and its packages have so much surface area. Our approach so far is to just make the papers that we read readable. That probably covers the 20% of LaTeX features that 80% of people use.

Here is the broken stuff we are keeping track of: https://github.com/arxiv-vanity/engrafo/issues (feel free to add to it!)

Is there a reason for relying on pandocfilters instead of on Panflute [1]?

I would think that panflute would allow for more readable code, which helps whendealing with all the corner cases and rough edges of latex.

[1] https://github.com/sergiocorreia/panflute

Because we didn't know that existed! That looks so much better, thank you. The pandocfilters library is really hard to use.


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