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"Care about security" is bad way to phrase it. Of course everyone cares about security, only the levels and requirements differ. Please note that I'm only responding because this fallacy comes up a lot of times, and one needs to be transparent with trade-offs when suggesting something like microservices with a monorepo:

* If you have 100 services in a monorepo, then it needs completely different toolchain like bazel/buck (all new) or cmake/qmake/etc, to find out the whole dependency graph, with deep integration with the SCM to rebuild only changes and downstreams, avoiding a 2-hour build, avoiding 10gb release artifacts, scoped CI/commit builds (i.e. triggering build for only one changed folder instead of triggering a million tests), independent releases, etc

* Some more tooling for large repository and LFS management, buildchain optimization, completely different build farm strategies to run tests for one build across many agents, etc

* Making sure people don't create a much worse dependency graph or shared messes, because its now easier to peek directly into every other module. Have you worked in companies where developers still have troubles with maven multi-module projects? Now imagine 10x of that. Making sure services don't get stuck on shared library dependencies. Should be able to use guice 4.0 for one service, 4.1 for another, jersey 1.x f/a, jersey 2.x f/a, etc etc. Otherwise it becomes an all-or-nothing change, and falls back to being a monolith where services can't evolve without affecting others

* Does not mean its easy break compatibility and do continuous delivery (no, there is database changes, old clients, staggered rollout, rollbacks, etc. contracts must always be honored, no escaping that, a service has to be compatible with its own previous version for any sane continuous delivery process)

Imagine monorepo like: building a new Ubuntu OS release for every Firefox update, and then work backwards, doing it for every single commit. I'm not even scratching the surface of anything here. It changes everything - from how you develop, integrate, test, deploy, git workflows, etc. This is why big monorepo companies like Facebook/Google release things like bittorrent-based deployments, new compression algorithms, etc - because that's the outcome of dealing with a monorepo.

I may go as far to say this, after many many journeys:

Monorepo with monolith - natural, lots of community tooling, lots of solved problems.

Multi-repos with multi-services - natural, lots of community tooling, lots of solved problems.

Anything else without the right people who have already done it many times, and you're in for a painful rediscovery journey of what Google/Facebook went through, and this does not have as much knowledgebase/tooling/community/etc as other natural approaches.

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