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The thing is that it is so limited, that you'll move away from it sooner or later when you need more structure. I've used it in a significant capacity in 4 teams, and we always ended up migrating to another tool, once it was clear which other tool would fit the needs of the team the best. Sure, that's good for you as user to have an early-stage playground, but probably bad for Trello.

I have to use Jira at work, and cannot tell you how much happier I'd be if we could move to Trello.

The grass is always greener. Trello is so awful as a bug/issue tracker I'd love to be using JIRA.

In Jira you can't even read the issue because half of the screen is occupied with navs or borders.

This is more or less how it looks on a full-screen Retina 15" Macbook Pro: http://pcgen.org/autobuilds/pcgen-docs/images/jira/jira_04.p...

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