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On a similar topic, how does the facebook app on android suggest me pictures taken with the camera on the phone, when neither it nor any of the facebook infrastructure apps have any permissions on accessing local media?

What version of the app and Android are you running? I'm on Android 8.0 and just double checked, the second I turn off the storage permission, Facebook can no longer suggest or access any images on my device.

Oops I'm a dumbass scaremongerer it seems - indeed I did have 'storage' still checked despite thinking I had everything disabled! Sorry!

If you've ever shared a photo via Facebook, the app has that permission, I'm sure. Recheck your permissions settings.

On top of that the installed Facebook app spies on your usage of other apps. They bought On­avo for that specific function.

If you're talking about the VPN, you have to explicitly turn it on, and the first time you do so Android asks you for permission to let it "monitor network traffic" (actual quote from the dialog).

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