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Not entirely true. The Flash Runtime was ES4. Few who made applications after 2006 used Flash Pro. It was an Eclipse based editor for the most part (Flash Builder).

However I get the point, but I feel it is important to stress this difference that you bring up.

My 18 year old clueless self seen turtleshell.com randomly, thought it was amazing, looked up flash, did stuff in Flash, 10 years later OOP. 10 years after that, software engineering.

My 18 year old clueless self today would want to be like "somethingcool.com" but I would have to troll through about 12 months of tutorials to see something on the screen.

I'd work in a factory.

Today you'd create something in Unreal Engine or Unity and upload that to a server. Or export it as a mobile phone app.

You can't compare Flash and Unity (let alone Unreal) in terms of approachability. I pretty much learned Flash the day before starting a job once. Try that with Unity.

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