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Without radical, NASA-style changes to typical development, where each line spends much more time being audited than being written, it is completely unreasonable to expect that kind of liability from developers.

Ditch the dumb deadlines and the tight budgets and it would become a hell of a lot more feasible.

I WISH I had the time and budget to put due diligence into my work.

You have to think about what you're building too. Feature release would come much slower than it does today. Reasonable? If you're writing software that is absolutely safety-critical, that's likely. If you're writing iTunes, well, I have my doubts.

It's not like reliable, secure software doesn't exist. It's just limited to spaces where people are willing to use years-old tech, forgo new features, and pay fortunes for auditing. Air travel, industrial machinery, medicine, and so on.

Almost like the cost-benefit actually doesn't support making the development of trivial software ten times slower and more expensive...

If there's a problem here, it's business externalities (Equifax won't pay adequately for screwing people), not engineering impossibility (the rest of us know how to patch Apache).

I mostly agree, but this article cites the national 911 software, which arguably should be treated as a critical system, failing, and some medical devices whose software killed people.

Yeah, fair enough - I've mostly been responding to too-general comments, the article is more specific.

The 911 thing seems like an obvious issue that absolutely should have been caught by a rigorous development system; it was treated like a digital phone system instead of a life-saving service. The Therac bug sort of feels like a different story, because that bug led to IEC 62304 - it's older than the practices which would now prevent it. They're both critical systems that were written without due care, though.

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