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Content in "bad taste" doesn't kill people. Organized Neo-nazis do.

The nazi demo where people got killed would have been a non-violent event where stupid nazis outed themselves peacefully if the antifa hadn’t showed up, outnumbered them, and attacked the nazis, armed with bats and other weapons.

The nazis are shit too, no doubt, but it’s hard not to blame the antifa for the ultimate outcome.

Also worth remembering: the nazis were using their legal right to free speech in a legal demonstration. The antifas were illegally and violently obstructing it.

Don’t be too quick to pick sides.

So does any organized hate group and it's not hard to link any content "in bad taste" to the message of some sort of hate group.

Are we really worried about being able to tell the difference between bad taste and advocating for genocide? I'm not convinced there's a gray area between those two.

Racism doesn't have to be overt.

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