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I use an app called 'Calm'. It focuses on mindful breathing through 10-15 minute guided sessions. I have been using it daily for just over 3 weeks and have already noticed some differences in my ability to discern thought patterns that are not useful, and am often able to bring my mind back to the present. Not all the time - meditation isn't a fix-all for stress. But it has helped me thus far.

+1 for Calm

I am a very pragmatic meditator. I meditate around once a week whenever I feel stress building up. As someone with little technique, and little desire to wade through mostly esoteric resources, Calm manages to guide me through a very relaxing meditation.

Okay, I am not that crazy of a fanboy as that reads. I realize that its not THAT revolutionary, and it might be a bit expensive if you use it that little, but hey, it works for me.

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