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FuNe on Sept 18, 2017 | hide | past | favorite

I think the main takeout of the article is:

"..Once a technical innovation has been introduced,.., people usually become dependent on it."

TL;DR: Ted Kaczynski's 35,000-word manifesto mentions technology that is supposed to make our lives better only ends up burdening us more. Combine this for shock value with the release of the iPhone X, make a shout-out to "simpler times" while acknowledging most of us would prefer modern technology over the past. Close with a statement that doesn't make sense due to the fact that the iPhone X is just another in a long line of already existing smart phones.

Ugh, I feel ashamed for giving them a view on that headline. Perhaps I'm just in a bad mood this morning.

No, I'm right there with you. Shitty headline for a shitty article with not even a glimmer of original thought behind it :/

I read the article, I am not sure why the iPhone X was used and not "longer lasting chewing gum" or "Adaptive Cruise Control." We upgrade tech all the time, why did this article choose to pick on the iPhone X?

I originally thought this was going to be about knowing peoples faces. I am happy to see it wasn't, but even more sad that it was something worse.

The introduction of the new iPhone X — which features wireless charging, facial recognition and a price tag of $999 — appears to be a minor event in the advance of technology. But it’s an excellent illustration of something that has long been denied: the success of capitalism.

Several paragraphs about how great capitalism is

Once the latest iPhone is in stores, some consumers will buy it, and feel really pleased with their purchase. The market provides.

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