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> Long click the new tab button then select the profile. Or just click the button on the toolbar and select the profile.

Further to this, I've been using (and meaning to embellish on) a little trick to make this even simpler, without having to use the mouse, using the "always open this host in container X" feature.

I have 2 gmail accounts so don't want to tie gmail.com to a specific container. I only have 1 pagerduty account so I have that open in my Work container automatically. So, to get to my work gmail I open a new tab (Ctrl+T), go to pagerduty (you don't have to wait for it to load), then go to gmail. Voila, work gmail without the mouse.

The embellishment is to set up work.mydomain.com, play.mydomain.com, whatever.mydomain.com. Tie each of them to a container and go from there.

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