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>want to rename something? it's Rename-Item, unless you also want to put it somewhere else, in which case you need Move-Item (it won't figure it out for you.)

so... working as intended? (unless you subscribe to the belief that rename is the same operation as moving)

>want to tell the time? it's Get-Date ("time" won't work, neither will "get-time")

fair point, although at least it doesn't alias any existing commands (typing time will get you a confusing output of 0 user, 0 kernel, 0 real)

>what does '&"C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe" /command:about' do?

& = run program in specified path. i agree this isn't used in any other shell language, but then again all the linux shells are fairly similar to start with. it's probably there because otherwise it won't be able to differentiate between a command that you want to execute, and a string literal.

also for windows command line programs, it's fairly stander to use /arg:value for command line arguments instead of --arg value

>and if you want to complain about ridiculous syntax, why the hell is ` the escape character instead of \ like every other language?

probably because \ is used in windows paths, so to avoid unnecessarily quoting every path, they chose an odd line continuation character.

also, about what you were responding to for the last two points: that was more a poke at how '[' isn't actually part of the syntax, but in fact an alias for test.

> probably because \ is used in windows paths,

Or.. you could actually encourage people to use sane path separators. The rest of the world uses a normal slash which works most of the time in Windows too.

CP/M lost. URLs won.

It's like UTF-16. They somehow had the means to replace Windows-1252 with UTF-16, but they can't bring themselves to move to UTF-8 which everyone else and the web uses instead.

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