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How to get profiled on TechCrunch (communityguy.com)
14 points by theoneill on April 1, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Why does this have 8 points? It doesn't answer how to get profiled, and it says nothing of substance.

Ok, I'm glad that someone else agrees. After I read the "thing" I was sort of baffled that it said nothing. But, it did make me think of a question. If this were the case, "TechCrunch will only cover you if they covered you at launch," how would this affect a company releasing very often (with not a lot of features to start)? Would TechCrunch still cover the startup because of potential "promise" in the market that the startup is in?

Getting TechCrunched should be a means to an end. Launching your startup in a certain way should not be a means to getting TechCrunched.

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