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Good strategies for low-intensity or casual trolling infestations, bot very efficient or scalable if the number of trolls or volume or content they post exceeds a critical threshold.

Off the top of my head, the trolling of an open source project probably differs from the trolling of a political post on Facebook. Part of it is just because the Facebook post is often intended at least partially to be an attractive nuisance when written and the posting to be one when made. Part of it is the emotions involved in the post itself.

An open source project on the other hand, is rarely written to be an attractive nuisance and less commonly shared for that purpose. Most of the people who pay attention pay attention because its purpose might relate to their interests or purpose.

In the case of an open source project, much of what might come across as trolling by people at the edge of the hole is driven by frustration. Part of that frustration is that they do not see the project as exactly meeting their needs. Part of that is frustration with the need itself. Their expressions may come across as trolling simply because they do not speak the same language as those deeper in the hole. Part of it is often the problem most communities have with "endless september".

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