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That's one person's opinion and prediction of the future, the same as yours. It is not proof or even evidence of anything. Cryptocurrencies literally work right now.

People that keep saying a currency that doesn't have a central authority leeching off of it by printing more and using it however they want perplex me. If all else was equal, would you choose to put your money in a currency that continues to be worth less and less or a currency where that is designed to not be devalued?

You can say it won't work all you want, but when people have a choice of what currency to use, they aren't going to choose one that is meant to inflate. The only reason people use inflationary currencies is because they don't have a choice.

Oh this is only one citation, my friend. There are many other economists that have studied this phenomenon, even if they haven't applied it to cryptocurrencies.

You can find people who will say anything about the future, it doesn't make them right or their thoughts well reasoned. Paul Krugman said the internet was worthless and more recently that Bitcoin is worthless.

You need to connect the dots and explain yourself, which you don't seem to be doing.

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