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Interesting idea but I don't think you have to trick a girl into anything.

Since it is unlikely that unless there is a huge benefit to signing a prenuptial agreement a woman isn't likely going to

Then you don't marry her. Really, if someone isn't willing to sign a fair agreement for your (and her) protection before the relationship then you don't want to be with them.

she finds out that she has spent the last xx years with you for nothing

Apart from the enjoyment, the love, the emotional support and all of the other things that long term relationships are supposed to provide. If she's staying with you because she thinks there's going to be some financial payoff then there's something gravely wrong with the relationship.

>Since it is unlikely that unless there is a huge benefit to signing a prenuptial agreement a woman isn't likely going to Then you don't marry her.

Say that in California, and the prenup is invalid.

Which is one reason nobody should ever be married in California.

> "If she's staying with you because she thinks there's going to be some financial payoff then there's something gravely wrong with the relationship."

exactly. instead, just leave the cash on a bureau top or bedside table where she can find it easily. the exchange is still implied on both parts, and you both still win because she gets her money reward earlier and the man doesn't have to worry about being destroyed financially 10 years down the line.

(tongue somewhat in cheek)

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