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I found it off-putting that on the home page, the 2nd section about the phone was an interview with the founder with exposition on his intentions.

Seems unnecessarily narcissistic--tell me about the phone and it's features first and sell me on your product.

I got the same impression. It's kinda lame. I mean, phone looks good, real, good product, but to me it seems it's biggest selling point is the man himself behind it.

Given that he founded Android, I think that's the point.

It's like they took the advice of some business reality show, tell a story. Doesn't work well with a technical crowd.

Further down the page you "meet" more of the team. I think the idea is to emphasize that this is a phone made by real people, not an faceless corporation.

I don't really disagree with your response, but I do think there is something nice about humanizing the design and production of technology.

Well, the guy founded Android so it would be interesting to know what he has to say.

Sure, but before you tell me anything about the phone?

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