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I used OS X a few times for iOS development, never used homebrew. Am I not a developer?

Maybe you had different requirements than other developers. Or maybe you've got a lower bar for considering something "usable".

My requirements were those that any OS X and iOS developer have, which don't require UNIX CLI rather XCode tooling, and are happy to use any UNIX certified POSIX system for the occasional CLI automation of OS X and iOS development.

Now those that bought OS X as a pretty alternative to GNU/Linux and *BSD, for development that should actually be done on those systems, might miss something like homebrew.

Apparently only those are developers on HN speak.

Interesting definitions. Theirs excludes you as an OSX developer, and yours excludes them as OSX developers. How about: Your requirements weren't those of "any OS X and iOS developer", unless you apply a "no true Scotsman" argument. Similarly, a nicer CLI environment is only applicable to some styles of dev on OSX.

OS X is a certified UNIX, no need for external tooling.

Except for all the tooling that people like to use that isn't covered under Unix certification, of course. It's not like the Open Group is the ultimate arbiter of useful software on Unix-like systems.

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