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Or cigarettes, booze, porn, divorce attorney, higher education, jewelry, sports cars, psychiatry, etc...

There are plenty of profitable industries built on the backs of people's mental unrest that has nothing to do with making them well.

Why do you think this technology would be deployed only aligned with the best interests of the users?

My guess is that it would optimize for the most proftiable behavior for the owner of the capital.

A free or cheap solution would not have the ROI a palliative / ongoing treatment would.

Why do you think depressed people are almost never given the option of writing gratitude letters, or are given drugs shown to increase the symptoms they proport to treat in the long term?

Agreed. The path of least resistance for capitalism is to manufacture needs in its consumers, then fill them at a profit. People pay for what they have been manipulated to want, not what improves their lives. In Korean the saying for this is "to give a disease and offer the cure" (병주고 약주다).

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