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Discovering this and [Clojerl](https://github.com/jfacorro/clojerl) within a week of each other is like Christmas come early.

Just in case you've missed it: https://hy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

I love Hy, but fyi, it is not as much a Clojure dialect as Ferret or Clojerl. The latter two share syntax and semantics, while Hy only shares syntax.

To tell the truth, I was expecting Perl, given the name.

I thought the same as you did when I first saw it and got a bit sad. I'm actually considering trying to implement something like Lisp Flavored Perl a la Lisp Flavoured Erlang as my senior thesis/project this year.

I'm kind of torn though, as it's my second real idea and my director already likes my first idea. While that one will probably end up being too much work, this one might be overcompensating for that (although I could just be overly optimistic about how easily I can write a new lisp).

Well, there's a few already implemented an on cpan[1], so even if you were being optimistic thinking you could do it without outside input, the truth is there's plenty of Perl specific prior art to examine which likely makes it quite easy to make a simple Lisp. I'm not sure how that maps to what you were thinking of.

1: https://metacpan.org/search?q=lisp

Oh, awesome, thank you. I hadn't looked on CPAN directly yet and general searches apparently weren't coming up with relevant CPAN results. CljPerl[1] is right along the lines of the sort of project I was thinking of doing.

I didn't specify, but I'm actually thinking of target Perl 6, so this is a great sort of halfway point where clearly other people have found it a worthwhile idea but not done exactly what I was thinking. Plus, P6 slangs could make it nice and easy to interleave regular Perl 6 and Perl 5 code with whatever monstrosity I come up with. I guess I have some decisions to make. Thanks again!

1: https://metacpan.org/pod/CljPerl

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