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"Women are not as discouraged from entering fields like biology, or medicine. These are just as technical and difficult as other STEM fields"

It is not about being difficult. Biology and medicine require a vastly different kind of intelligence than Physics and Math (and computer science). Also, doctors work with people, while engineers work with machines. And the author argues that women, on average, prefer working with people. This can pretty simply be explained by the difference in estrogen and testosterone.

So no, it's not fair to say that there is no evidence that the whizzer spins right. And the author never denied that there are cultural factors. He is saying that there are biological factors too, which should not be ignored.

> Also, doctors work with people, while engineers work with machines.

You won’t get very far in your engineering career if you think this way. Are you going to argue women don’t use computers next?

Using computers and wanting to understand computers are completely different interests.

How about this. Doctors are more interested in people. Engineers are more interested in machines.

Of course, as one becomes a manager, they deal with people more. But am just stating the initial interest that gets one into the field.

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