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>A carbon tax is more efficient

You should know that Elon Musk agrees.

2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DddPNrzpkw

2016: http://www.rgj.com/story/money/business/2016/07/28/elon-musk...

2017: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-01-26/tesla-s-m...

>subsidizing the development of electric sportscars

There were no subsidies for the development of the Tesla Roadster.

The DOE Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing loan program was for the development of the Model S sedan, not the Roadster. It has since been paid back in full, and the taxpayers made money on the deal. It was designed by the Bush DOE to create advanced technology vehicle manufacturing capabilities in the US, which it did.

The ZEV credits produce no revenue until the first car is sold, so they couldn't subsidize the development of the car. ZEV credits are about incentivizing reductions in harmful air pollutants (spoiler alert: people's lungs don't care how rich or poor the car owner who emits harmful pollution is), and again can be earned by any manufacturer who makes zero emissions vehicles. It's not paid by taxpayers, but rather automakers who don't make enough zero emission vehicles.

Or do you mean the $7,500 tax credit for owners (none of which goes to Tesla)? That doesn't kick in until the first car was sold. It was effectively an 8% reduction in price, which increases demand somewhat, but that's it. And again it's open to anyone purchasing a zero emission vehicle.

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