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Do you want a marginal improvement that many people might use, or a perfect system that nobody will?

I don't consider something that remember the login URL for a site (which most password managers can store) a marginal improvement at all.

Also, "marginal improvement that many people might use, or a perfect system that nobody will?" is a false dichotomy. I'm saying we should make better systems (not perfect ones) easier to use.

> I don't consider something that remember the login URL for a site (which most password managers can store) a marginal improvement at all.

Me neither, that's why I proposed a system that will allow your password manager to log you in automatically with a single click instead, with a trivial change to the server (a file with some information).

> I'm saying we should make better systems (not perfect ones) easier to use.

Having seen how little adoption Persona, which was pretty much perfect, got, I don't think the problem is usability.

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