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I'm only a fan of the original 26 years, but isn't the Doctor limited to 12 regenerations?

The rebooted Doctor Who seems too Americanized. Maybe it's the 1 hour story format. I much prefer the Tom Baker years.

They had the Time Lords grant him another set (which is an ability that the Time Lords were known to have from the original show).

The real answer is that the Doctor is limited to as many regenerations as the BBC can print money from. It would be insane to assume they would actually stop filming after twelve.

>I much prefer the Tom Baker years.

I adore Tom Baker, he's the Doctor I grew up with and his stories are what I always associate with "proper" Who, but let's be real, the serial format made stories as dull as dishwater a lot of the time, and more convoluted than necessary in order to pad out time.

I watched them on PBS in the USA late Saturday nights, and they strung them together, so a 4 serial episode would be almost 2 hours. That's what I miss. The stories have been compressed to fit in under 1 hour.

At the end of Matt Smith's reign, the Time Lords popped in from Gallifrey and granted him some extra lives.

Tom Baker, the best Dr of them all...

jelly baby?

...for some value of 12. ;-)

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