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You are right, this project evolved from the week long 2015 company wide Hackathon, with a participation of close to 16,000 employees, where people are allowed to take a week off to build anything of interest. Many accessibility projects have come out, off the top of my head:

(1) Eye Controlled Wheelchair for people with ALS

(2) Color Binoculars - App for people who are colorblind

(3) Hearing AI - App including live speech recognition and sounds recognition for people with profound hearing loss

(4) Learning Tools for OneNote - https://www.onenote.com/learningtools

(5) Dictate - Speech based keyboard control to type emails/documents ( http://dictate.ms), built originally for people with hand dexterity issues

A few of my peers now work full time on projects originated at the hackathon.

- Anirudh from Seeing AI team

Looks like this is only for iOS, any plans on coming to Android?

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