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Any references to how one should go about separating an Amazon retail account and an AWS account, if they are presently the same?

The best option I know is rebuilding your services in a new AWS account. That will let you can keep using the same Amazon retail account as before, and transfer your assets in AWS to an account tied to your production organization.

CloudFormer[0] might be able to automate some of the process - it analyzes your existing VPC and generates a CloudFormation[1] template. You could then take this template and deploy the stack in your new account, and you'd only have to rebuild the remaining few items.

Then you could redeploy all your applications, test, and migrate production services to your freshly-tested instance. Finally, you must be aggressive in shutting down the old services. It would be agonizing to have your entire site down because one server remains in the old account, and the account had some issue. Feel free to contact me for more specific advice.

[0] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-why-use-aws-cloudformer-a...

[1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGui...

I believe it's as simple as changing the email address for your AWS account, which can be done within the account settings. You can confirm that this does the trick by updating the password and ensuring it doesn't change your retail password.

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