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I guess you'll have to lie to your prospective employers about "why you left your last job", then. Not wanting to put with inane policies is one thing. But very few companies would want to hire someone who resorts that quickly to that kind of aggression in the workplace.

> I guess you'll have to lie to your prospective employers about "why you left your last job", then

Who's ever completely honest about why they left a previous company anyway?

I left a previous position largely because my boss was a psychopath. But I certainly didn't mention that during interviews.

I left a previous position largely because my boss was a psychopath.

It's one thing to "simplify", and gloss over the details of what other people did.

It's quite another to invert the basic nature of something that you did.

Yeah agree, but pretty much anything can be "simplified", short of being fired.

The "company got acquired, added 'no swear' policies & removed perks' so I said fuck that and left", can be simplified to something vague like "the company got acquired and changed direction (you don't even need to mention culture, but you can), I'm looking for something more like what you're doing here at 'New Company' ... ".

There's a big gap between "fuck that" and "fuck you", actually.

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