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  90% of the US lives within an 8hr drive of totality, so traffic will be horrible
Oh, come on. Less than 5% of America actually cares enough about astronomical events to drive 30 minutes to see something. Much less book a hotel stay.

August 21st is a Monday afternoon, so how many employed Americans are going to ask for the day off, to drive 8 hours, with a 200mm telephoto lens or telescope?

If totality is the size of several counties, and lasts even ten minutes, how many people will be on the road within an hour of the event? Lunchtime (or even all day long) traffic is probably nothing even terrible in 40 out of 50 states. In totality states, traffic won't even compare to a sporting event.

The Willamette valley South of Portland is expecting over 1 million people. The hospital in Lincoln City (where it starts) had been stockpiling and planning for 3 years now. A friend in the event planning business said all portable toilets in the state have been rented, and they are bringing them in from out of state, at 6 times the normal rate. This is going to be a huge event, and gridlock on the freeway that Monday.

2016 article:


Hotels across Oregon are already booked solid. Court Priday, manager of the Inn at Cross Keys Station in Madras, said rooms have been gone for a long, long time. "We've been getting phone calls like crazy," he said. "We've been sold out for about three years."

Totality lasts ~2 minutes

You are correct, sir. And thinking about OP's statement a little more, maybe staying off the road is a good idea in the sense that a two minute eclipse can distract drivers on the road.

But in general, unless you happen to glance at the sun in your field of view during the eclipse, it's all the darkness of passing clouds for most of the country.

Are traffic accidents statistically affected by proximity to a total eclipse of the sun?

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