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When he says humans will become useless in the economic sense, i wonder:

When looking at the value created by the average human job, you see a constant decline in that - most of history human though wars, produced basic food, shelter, health. But today, many humans produce stuff that is far from necessary, we could live well with far less of those products and services. Heck, we even semi-deliberatly construct out economy in that way, for example, by creating/allowing tools like advertising and planned-obsolescence, tools that enable the rise of the consumption economy.

So maybe that's a trend, an we need to look where humans+machines are preferred over machines, just barely, and construct our economy around that ?

I guess it kind of depends on what you mean by value when you say "value created by the average human job", but I think for most definitions the opposite is the case. Average productivity per worker has been rising pretty steadily since the industrial revolution, even if you correct for inflation.

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