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As a freelancer working on multiple projects at one time I find task switching between different projects to be time consuming and often quite frustrating.

The cognitive load needed to task shift takes time and may take up to 20 minutes to get my head into the task, not to mention setting up my session for the client project. Then when I need to shift back to another project I have to start over. Most of my time is spent digging through finder and opening files.

This app, even in it's early stages will save me a lot of money... the AUD$10 is worth it - you could charge more. I have tinkered with spaces in the past to do this as well as thought about (hellish thought) using multiple user account and fast switch between them... nothing has worked quite right.

I think this would be particularly useful for digital agencies. Allowing fast switching between projects. It would be particularly useful if there was workspaces or "projects" were shareable with teams in those environments too. Easily pickup where another team member left off... an enterprise option maybe?

Saving window state is useful, but I find using SizeUp to move things around after it has loaded is probably enough. Also, I tend to move between my eternal monitor and laptop screen only quite regularly, so I'm not sure how window management would work in those scenarios.

The big thing though is to be able to close a workspace... I can see in comments you are working on this for a later release. It's not the end of the world right now - closing everything I don't need open is easy and doesn't require a whole lot of thought.

For now you have nailed the biggest use case for my daily workflow after window management with SizeUp... opening a folder of resources with the click of a button!


As a freelancer having exactly the same problem when working on multiple projects, I made Freeter (https://freeter.io). Give it a try - maybe it will be helpful to you.

And here is a quick intro on how I use it: https://hackernoon.com/how-i-hacked-my-workflow-45e328ad8d9b

Strong agree. I think the author of this app is on to something potentially big, and should price according to where they want this thing to go.

If this thing could manage filesystem workspace dependencies and keep them in encrypted DMGs (not hard!), I'd pay a lot for it --- more than I would for Microsoft Office.

Could you elaborate on "filesystem workspace dependencies" ?

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