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That is because you have location services enabled on your phone. Google collects your phones location with this on. You can see the details by going to your location history.

Yeah I keep location services turned off most of the time. I also have never intentionally clicked on an online ad of any kind.

> Yeah I keep location services turned off most of the time.

Even if your location services, wifi and bt are off, they occasionally turns on to get your location. In Lineage OS there is an additional setting to not use wifi (when it is off) for location services.

May be you can look into developer options to disable this setting (Please note that even if wifi is off, your phone searches for wifi hotspots to find itself where it is).

And if your wifi/bt is on, your location is (almost) always available to Google. You know it, right?

well i do have location services on, but on my iphone. i dont have google maps open even in the background. i have background app refresh off for google maps too. i really dont see how google could get that info. apple maybe.

Also WiFi

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