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It was for my day job and I'd prefer not to have that publicly linked in a searchable format to my HN profile.

My profile has a link to my personal website though and it's the current employer listed on the associated LinkedIn profile.

Why is it searchable if you name them here, but not via linkedin ? When your hn profile explicity links to yr website.

I assume searching for [employer] could direct someone here vs searching for knz/me specifically would take you to my HN profile page.

I'm not ashamed of anything I've said on HN but would rather not have people just searching for my employer ending up here (especially since I work in an office that routinely deals with sensitive political and community issues). It's a minor amount of (perceived) anonymity vs stating my name/job title/employer here!

I love your website.

Ha. Thanks! It's a bit basic but has proven sufficient.

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