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So did Delphi handle dynamically resizing and positioning layouts? My impression is all the old highly productive gui languages (Delphi, Visual Basic, ...) used absolute positioning. Personally I'd rather have a more complex gui framework (css, swing, wpf) that handles positioning than to be forever cursed tweaking pixel width, height, x, y values.

It has anchor layout, flow layout, table layout, etc... I have typically found it easier to do the layout I wanted in delphi than CSS. The only annoying thing is that the visual designer has no undo, which you really miss when doing exploratory designs.

CSS 2 really is terrible. There's a few things in CSS 3 that make it passable, but overall I consider it a failed layout system which needs more workarounds than it provides solutions.

Yes, if you set anchors on each component you wanted to be resizable (more specifically, all four sides could have had an independent anchor).

Same with winforms. I'm not sure if it was added at some point or always there, if it was always there I wish I knew about it a lot sooner.

>... than to be forever cursed tweaking pixel width, height, x, y values.

Inevitably, this is what CSS work devolves to, though.[0]

[0] Pixel twiddling

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