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This is load of FUD and you know it. First, your claims are completely from your experience, like email patch management. Only a few projects use that, and most just tell you to put it in a Trac or similar.

Second, all the things about "not being to see X" are configurable. But, then again I can't expect you to actually research a system before you go talking about it, 'cause that'd interfere with your FUD.

Third, rebasing is both a load of crap, and also not as necessary in fossil by design. It has a much more strick auto-commit mode that gets rid of plenty of problems with needing to rebase. In fact, I wish all the SCMs did this optionally.

Finally, it has a bug tracker. Come talk to me when Trac is DAG based.

So, you've demonstrated you know jack squat about fossil, then you come on here and talk like you are some authority on it and "other projects", then say "I would strongly encourage caution." like the world will end.

My only question is: How long did you work at microsoft? :-)

I said that Fossil has no patch-based workflow. You say few projects use it.

I said that it can't rebase. You say that I shouldn't rebase.

I said that the bug tracker was hard to use because it's last-wins, not DAG based, which is a problem for a distributed bug tracker (Trac is not distributed, so it doesn't need to be DAG-based). You respond that Fossil has a bug tracker.

In all these cases, you don't refute my points. You're merely arguing they're immaterial. As such, your accusations of FUD and name-calling seem strange and defensive. You're welcome to contend that Fossil does not need these features, but since many projects and developers that I work with use them heavily, I think it'd make more sense to discuss why they are unnecessary or wrong.

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