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> Being pedantic, why is it called server?

Because it serves data to clients connecting to it. Hence e.g. Emacs Server[0] or X Server[1]. Historically server doesn't imply a network operation.

> Or deamon for that matter, service is already over used in our field but a daemon has a specific meaning.

It's a subset (well not exactly you can have non-daemon servers but close enough), most daemons are not servers, in fact many daemons are client (e.g. ntpd).

Service is basically the windows name for daemon, so it has the same lack of connotation, a service can be a client, a server, neither, both.

[0] https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Em...

[1] http://www.linfo.org/x_server.html

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