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For a multi-lingual (really multi-char-set, "multi-graphic"?) user who often visits sites in several different char-sets, and might have a 60/30/5/5 percentage distribution, getting an "are you sure?" check before visiting a site with mixed char sets or a new-to-that-profile unmixed set seems like an useful confirmation that would not be invoked often, but would be likely to avoid a trip to the phishy sites. The same approach would work for the 99/1 or 100/0 distribution. The UI should be more of:

  "You have never visited a site in this language/character set before"
   More_Info.  Cancel?   Proceed?

Interestingly enough, my Chrome sends "accept-language:en-US,en;q=0.8,ko;q=0.6". I dont even know how it infers that.

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