I am a developer and my interest is in knowing if there are any good studies or literature or common tips/techniques that can actually enhance your overall productivity or give insight on how to to it.
I am not looking for ways to trick the brain reward system but on how to measure and percieve developer productivity in the long run. The reason is that currently I am dedicating some time in trying to bootstrap a project.
2. Exercise and eat right.
3. Set goals. People with goals vastly outperform those without.
4. Track your progress. This will involve determining the right metrics. "What gets measured gets done."
5. Look for more efficient ways to do things.
6. Read the book "The 7 habits of highly effective people."
7. Learn some time management techniques.
8. Read up on how to plan things backwards: Start with where you want to be and figure out the step before that and the step before that, etc. Otherwise, you may be "climbing a ladder leaned against the wrong wall."