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You are of course correct. It's possible to make awful native applications, and good non-native applications.

The sliders mean that you will trade performance off against ease-of-development. It will be easier to ship a basic Electron/web-stack app than a native one for multiple platforms. However, it will be harder to do this is in a high-performance and well-integrated way.

I went through all this with Cordova back in the day when trying to build cross-platform mobile apps. I was able to ship apps quickly, but at the expense of quality – it's okay to do this so long as you are aware of the trade-off.

yep definitely. and there is definitely a cost and effort required to make Electron feel as good as native. depending on your feature requirements, this can get really hairy.

i'm just exhausted by the "web apps feel so much worse than native!1" argument which is an over simplification and not a rule.

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