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> It's gut/instinct thing. If you have a mechanical approach, anyone can game the system and get a job because humans can be like chameleons to present themselves as the right candidate, and they can study for the interview. Only way IMO is to have that 3rd eye or whatever you call it... instinct, gut feeling, etc.

This is ridiculous. Mechanical approaches can be gamed, but so can gut instinct. You just have to look at the White House to see that. A lot of gut-instinct voters got hoodwinked by a skilled self-promoter. And he's a gut-instinct guy himself, so he's getting led around by whoever's got his ear.

Gut instinct, though, is worse in several ways. One is that it's not transmissible. As a company grows, how do you scale? Another is that it's not necessarily repeatable. Was that person bad, or is your gut off because you're tired, depressed, or upset? A third is that it can't be consciously improved. If your mechanical process has a flaw, your team can discuss it and come up with solutions. But if your gut judgment isn't good enough, what can you do?

I am a big fan of gut instinct as a component of a hiring process. Often, thanks to experience, we perceive things we have a hard time articulating, and it's wise to pay attention to that. But I think it's a giant mistake to treat our subconscious as some sort of mystic oracle that we must worship and never question.

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