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You spent a lot of posts defending the company. Are you affiliated with them?

I think many people here only read the headline and immediately start aiding the destruction of what seems to be a single person's business. I have experienced myself how painful it can be to stay polite towards a*hole customers, so as said in some comment: It's totally fine to quit a customer who acts like that and refund him.

I'll just note that this entry was posted twice, by two different accounts, with the same title, even though it does not appear anywhere in the site. PR effort for or against.

> I'll just note that this entry was posted twice, by two different accounts

another behaviour that's quite common here ;)

What entry? You mean my post? If so, please reference the other.

I mean the HN submission.

Yeah, alright.

You didn't answer the question. Are you affiliated with them?

I actually did by giving my reasons. Btw, if you are into these kind of theories: ALL my comments in this thread were exactly downvoted the same number.

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