While there are many good places to start, I would recommend you start with creating Heroes application on the official doc. Believe me, there is no other detailed explanation for an application. Link(https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/tutorial/)
Aside from the resources already mentioned the articles by thoughtram are very good. They explore a wide range of Angular 2 topics. They admittedly can be a bit verbose at times but they do a great job at explaining relevant concepts to beginners:
well i wanted to troll. But I'm done with technology from google. I can't change my whole codebase every 6 months. Stability might not be cool, but however.
Investing time in angular is just not worth it. there might be success stories with it, however I've didn't seen a major site/framework/whatever that could've used angular 100%.
Well I think vmware used angular 2 for their html5 ui, too which I don't know if they also call into other stuff.
After you have completed that. I would recommend you checking out some open source applications out there. 1. AngularSpree(E-Commerce application) https://github.com/aviabird/angularspree 2. Yatrum(Travel application) https://github.com/aviabird/yatrum 3. Echoes(Music player) https://github.com/orizens/echoes-ng2