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Good to know I'm not the only one who finds Tim Ferriss cringeworthy.

I like some of the stuff he shares, but he promotes very much the 80/20 idea but then produces a huge amount of content with a massive amount of bloat.

His books are super big and thick and his podcasts are full of fluff which might be good to get listeners but short on actual useful content.

This to me makes him extremely unauthentic and disappointing that he is not using his platform to actually create meaningful content.

He produces some interesting content, but, I agree: there is something about his style of delivery that is irritating. I tried to quantify it while listening to his podcast but I can't quite put my finger on it.

The phrase shameless self-promoter comes to mind.

Four hour work weeks are a lot more common in East Hampton, where Ferriss is from. Reminds me of that old phrase from the 70s, "He's a T to T man: Ten to two, Tuesday through Thursday."

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