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I use:

  * Linux (linuxmint)
  * awesomewm
  * mate-terminal, with the menu turned off
  * tmux
Terminal on the left, browser on the right. mod4-[jk] to move forward/backward in the list of windows. mod4-m to toggle/max the current window (usually the browser).

The browser has tabs, and tmux has windows, which are effectively tabs. I don't open new terminal tabs in the terminal, I open new windows in tmux.

Usually I just have the terminal and browser open. If I have something else, like Okular for pdf viewing, you can click on its icon in the top bar and make it disappear from the mod4-[jk] sequence.

I've used other twms in a similar way: xmonad, i3, qtile. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiling_window_manager#List_of_...

I've also used more usual graphical shells in a sort of tiled way, like mate and cinnamon, but it's slightly more manual effort, and there's all that gui-cruft taking up space and attention.


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